
Notice is hereby given that on August 15, 2023, beginning at 6:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as may be heard, the Town Council of the Town of Louisa, Virginia will hold a public hearing to receive public comment and to consider the adoption of a proposed Resolution authorizing the issuance by the Town of an aggregate not to exceed $1,402,000 Town of Louisa, Virginia Water Revenue Bond (the “Bond”). The Town would issue the Bond to the United States of America, acting through Rural Utilities Service, an Agency of the United States Department of Agriculture (“RUS”), to pay capital costs, including for the payment or reimbursement of principal and interest accrued for interim financing, to (i) acquire, construct, rehabilitate, and equip various improvements to the Town’s water system and related facilities, including but not limited to replacement and repair of water lines; and (ii) pay costs of issuance in connection with the financing (the “Project”). The Town would pledge water revenues to repay the Bond and establish certain reserve accounts as required by RUS.

The public hearing, which may be continued or adjourned, will be held before the Town Council at the Louisa Town Hall, located at 212 Fredericksburg Avenue, Louisa, Virginia  23093. Any person interested in the Project, the Town’s issuance of the Bond, or any other matters in connection with such RUS financial assistance to the Town may appear at the hearing, and may present comments. The Town Council may set time limits on speakers and other rules and procedures for the conduct of this public hearing. Written comments regarding the proposed Resolution may be delivered or mailed to the Town Council prior to the public hearing in care of the Town Manager at the address above or given to the Town Council during the hearing.

TOWN OF LOUISA, VIRGINIA – Elizabeth T. Nelson, Town Manager

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